Thanks! I appreciate all of your help with my Christian Book Marketing promotions. May Father Yahweh bless you for your work in expanding His Kingdom. Perry Ennis, Author Of The Second Coming
We recently worked with Smitty for our Christian Book Marketing needs to create a book trailer for the novel Conspiracy, by Casey Alden. It was a great experience from beginning to end. Smitty’s suggestions were excellent and professional. The video was completed quickly, and it was reasonably priced. As we publish more book titles, we look forward to working with Smitty again on future book trailers. We highly recommend this service. Fehrman Books
Christian Author Chris Tatevosian
Smitty of CBM Christian Book Marketing has performed masterfully in the process of designing, producing and promoting my authors web site Life Interrupted It’s Not All About Me.
However, that's just the tip of the iceberg. He has gone out of his way to help me promote and market my book which has appeared on hundreds of sites and so much more. I love working with him and I'm sure you will too. God bless, Chris Tatevosian
Christian Author Donna Boddy
CBM Christian Book Marketing did a great job in putting together a trailer and review for my new book, Angel with a Mission. I was impressed with the mixture of professionalism and personal care, as well as the time that was invested in my book promotion. It seemed that they went above and beyond the call by giving me additional advice as I needed it with my first book. The trailer they put together was amazing, and I have had several comments on it. I love the Christian sites that they posted my book on, and I am looking forward to reaping the rewards of their work.
Donna Boddy, Author of Angel with a Mission
Grateful, is the perfect word that describes how I feel about having found CBM Christian Book Marketing online. As a new author, I was searching for a creditable marketing firm to promote my new book release.
CBM Christian Book Marketing not only posted my book review on 100 separate sites, they also placed a link on those web sites that lead back to my official authors website, where potential readers can purchase my book. Smitty of CBM Christian Book Marketing also provided me with a strong sense of acceptance and validation. I highly recommend CBM Christian Book Marketing.
Josefina Hernandez, Author of Heavenly Wars
~ Dear Smitty,
I can't thank you enough for your help in promoting my book. The book review that CBM wrote about my book has led to the signing of a contract with a creditable PR firm, NY and CA based. We are starting with TV, Radio and Media with plans to hopefully have talks with the right people in the movie industry about a potential movie deal. The public relations firm decided to offer me a contract, after having read CBM's Book Review of my book.
Thank you for your professionalism, guidance and thank God that I found CBM Christian Book Marketing. Josephina Hernandez, Chief Prince Archangel Michael Of the Heavenly Wars
Even though my book was published a few years ago (POD), my MS prevented me from doing much to sell it. After much prayer, the Lord lead me to CBM Christian Book Marketing.
CBM Christian Book Marketing wanted to help me fulfill God’s leading as an author, not to simply “make a buck” but to help me spread the Word about my book and to be a blessing to others.
I’ve found CBM to be careful to show me the best way that they could help me as they worked with me as an author and a sister in the Lord. They were sensitive to God’s leading in determining the best, most economical, way for me to go as I followed God’s call on my life and as I venture forth on this new path that God has laid out for me. Teri Figarola, a.k.a. T. R. Lipscomb, author of Dearest Children, Why Have You Abandoned Me
I was looking for a professional review of my book by a Christian who would give me an honest, objective opinion. When I read about CBM Christian book reviews, I knew that was what I had been looking for. I contacted Smitty at CBM Christian Book Marketing, and he was very prompt in answering my emails and completing the work within the time he promised. That is very important to me. I was very pleased with the review. It was thorough and highlighted the parts of the book that would be of greatest interest to a reader looking for a book on prayer and fasting. I was also impressed by the 100 sites where Smitty posted the review. I highly recommend CBM Christian book reviews and promotions.
Robert P. Holland
Christian Author Jim Armstrong
I recently chose CBM Christian Book Marketing for the first wave of promotion for my new eBook, The Day The World Retreated. Their in-depth review perfectly captured the attempt to reach out to both Christian and non-Christian audiences with the same story. The CBM author’s article blast not only brought immediate new traffic to the book site and Amazon order page, it increased my page rank which resulted in more traffic from search engines. They followed up with a professional press release and there are even more avenues for promotion such as book trailers. I'm excited about both the near-term and future marketing potential with CBM Christian Book Marketing.
Author Jim Armstrong, The Day The World Retreated
Christian Author Samantha Ryan Chandler
My experience with CBM Christian Book Marketing has been truly a God given experience. The group is very professional. I received great reviews as a result of CBM Christian Book Marketing and most importantly, was able to get the message of my book to places that before were unavailable. I have tracked hits on my website for a year now. About 3 months ago, an average day was 500 hits with 800 exceptional. I now have 2,500 – 3,200 hits per day putting me at 265,000 hits in a year. I cannot thank you enough CBM Christian Book Marketing!
Samantha Ryan Chandler
Acacia Slaton Beumer, author of Launch Out Into The Deep
In the Christian arena there are not a lot of marketing companies that cater to Christian authors, which is why it's a blessing I found this company. The marketing team met my expectations and stayed in contact until completion of the project. The results speak for themselves. I can type my name and book title in the search engines and see the numerous sites where my book and synopsis are featured-thanks to CBM! My book is now visible to consumers and is waiting to be discovered. Don't let your message get lost in the crowd. You've invested a lot of time crafting your message for the masses, now its time to get it the exposure it needs.
~ Acacia Slaton Beumer, author of Launch Out Into The Deep
Five-Stars For CBM Christian Book Marketing!
When my book SCARS: An End-Times Novel was first published, I contacted one of the authors of a New York Time’s Bestselling book who was self-published and asked what their secret was. They responded, “It is all in the marketing.”
CBM Christian Book Marketing is a terrific marketing service that helps get your book the exposure you need. Not only do the links drive traffic to your web site, you may also get connected with someone important. I just signed with an audio book publisher and just received an email from a movie company who is interested in turning SCARS into a movie! You just don’t know who will click that link and read your book.
When I first inquired, Smitty was very helpful and gave me personal attention and answered all of my questions. I have a feature on over a hundred of their web sites and just recently added my book cover in prime position for more exposure. I will definitely be using CBM Christian Book Marketing again in the future.
Patience Prence, Bestselling Author
A Pleasure To Work With ~ Christian Author Leigh Watson
I had the recent pleasure of working with the wonderful staff of CBM Christian Book Marketing for my book marketing needs. I was immediately impressed with CBM's professionalism, their ideas and creativity offered for my book promotion. Their vision for my book was precisely what I was hoping to capture.
Through CBM’s tremendous marketing efforts, I was able to gain the much needed exposure for my book, 9 Miracles'. My marketing promotion was even greater than I ever dreamed.
I HIGHLY recommend using CBM's many services that are offered. With CBM Christian Book Marketing you get global exposure and their marketing packages are reasonably priced.
Thank you for everything! I love it! Blessings! Leigh Watson, Author of 9 Miracles
Thank You! CBM
Hi Smitty
I need to tell you personally how deeply I've been touched by the words in my CBM Book Review. Every word describing my life and dedication to God, is true, without variance - from age 23 thru today at 61. The words you combined brought everything into a greater light for me and for that- "I THANK YOU".
The reviewer’s words, (combined with my own) were clearly used by the Holy Spirit to remind me of what happened when I was 23. Because of CBM, the biggest part of this journey "up the mountain" is over and now, I can begin to teach the Seven Message from the Master. I look forward to seeing more of your work and I'll end by just saying- one more time- THANK YOU
Author Terry Allan Christian
Christian Author Rick Blaisdell
I am so very thankful for the professional, accurate and truthful review of One Life to Give and the many outlets you have listed the review with. May God continue to bless you with such a special ministry you have for Christian authors, well-known, not-so-well-known, and some first-timers such as myself. It is a great a joy to know my book is in very good hands. ~ Rick Blaisdell
Christian Author Pearl Nsiah-Kumi
I am glad I got in touch with CBM! Their support for my work has been incredible, and I think it is because of their love for the Lord and His work. This is the most value I've gotten for my money regarding publishing and marketing. Other marketing quotes were so financially out of reach that I was very discouraged. I cannot say enough good things about CBM services. They are not looking just to make money; they are there to help as many as they can to realize their dreams and accomplish their goals. Next time I will not look anywhere else; I will call them right away. Thanks Smitty!
Need I say I am impressed with your work? You do such awesome work! You market the books in ways that I couldn't; it is your calling! Thanks again, and God bless. Author Pearl Nsiah-Kumi
Christian Book Marketing’s Editing Services
After a long process of content edits on my book, the manuscript was littered with small errors--misspellings, a dropped word, the occasional verb disagreement or capitalization mistake. At a loss to find them all myself, I contacted CBM Christian Book Marketing’s Editing Services. Smitty replied to my inquiry within a matter of minutes and by the end of the night had received my manuscript and scheduled it for review the following day. The proofreader completed her first round of edits within a week and sent it back to me for review. I couldn't believe it, the manuscript was immaculate--better than I expected. It did not even require a second round of proofreading.
In addition to providing excellent service, CBM Christian Book Marketing has been very generous. The upfront quote was extremely reasonable and Smitty also extended to me a couple of expired sales for publicity packages.
I could not be more pleased with my experience with CBM Christian Book Marketing. Their excellence is truly a testimony for Jesus Christ. ~ Abby Kelly
Predatory Lies ~~~~~ The Predatory Lies of Anorexia: A Survivor's Story
Christian Author Leo J. Battenhausen
There are countless book promotion and PR sites online and I have inquired many with little to no satisfaction. I was blessed to be brought to CBM Christian Book Marketing just when I was about to quit looking for a promotion site for my new book, "Socialcide: How America is Loving Itself to Death." I knew immediately that this was a dedicated, highly professional and affordable option, and working directly with Smitty makes me feel like we are family. They are fast, friendly and with me every step of the way! I am grateful to God for CBM Christian Book Marketing, and if you are a Spiritual Author, these are the folks to trust with your hard work! ~ Leo J. Battenhausen
Pastor and Christian Author, Rusty Kuhn
I have used Christian Book Marketing for a variety of services. Working with Smitty is a true pleasure. He is always professional and Christ-like. It is obvious that CBM is not only a business but also a ministry. Smitty is always accommodating making sure the services are exactly as I want them. I have used their services for two books and have been well pleased with every service they have rendered.
Smitty, you are the best marketing promoter the Lord has ever had! I believe you have the authors, the kingdom and your company's best interest in hand.
The review is beautifully written and excites me all over again. I am very impressed with you and your company. ~
Christian Author Dolores Lee
Christian Author Lakesha Ruise
I love it! All the links are accurate and I truly appreciate your hard work. It's so amazingly accurate and really expresses the purpose of the book. Thank you so much.
Lakesha Ruise
Christian Author Kirk Lewis
"After the release of my first book, Put Away Childish Things, I found that writing the book was the easy part. The challenge came as I began to spread the word about the book beyond my circle of friends. CBM Christian Book Marketing provided a degree of expertise in the field that I did not possess. Their contacts in the industry proved helpful in creating a broader presence in the Christian marketplace. When I released The Chase I came immediately to CBM to take advantage of their insight and knowledge to help me gain exposure much earlier in my sales process.
"Smitty and others seem to care sincerely about my success. I'm grateful for the relationship and the positive impact CBM has already made on my sales. If you get a chance to work with them, I think you will find it an overwhelmingly positive experience."
Dr. Kirk Lewis
Christian Author: Lynnie Lang
My Testimonial of the wonderful assistance received from CBM
I guess I would begin with the surprising email I received from Smitty. It felt personal and to the point. I had two books already published, yet was at a standstill on what and how to do anything else with them. I had many questions, fears, apprehensions, and doubts about doing anything online. Never mind not knowing how to do marketing or distributing was definitely holding me back!
Smitty was patient with me, and simply and precisely explained each step to be taken to introduce me as a Christian Author. He not only answered all my questions, but relieved all anxieties; and I began to experience an excitement I thought I would never get back again!
Thank you, Smitty, for your encouragement and patiently helping me take the next steps. ~ God bless you and CBM.
Christian Author Lynnie Lang
Christian Author Marie Nadeige Maurice
It is with great pleasure I take this opportunity to praise God on behalf of CBM Christian Book Marketing for professionally creating the marketing package for my book as a new author.
Contacting CBM, especially Smitty, can be described as a divine appointment designed for me to fulfill God’s purpose towards writing for His glory.
Without any explanations, Smitty was able to choose the perfect theme for my author site and video book trailer. Not only did he provide the promotion service with a reasonable price, he also educated me in so my ways for future reference.
I want to express my gratitude toward Smitty for going beyond expectations with kindness, patience and professionalism. To God be the glory and honor forevermore!
Christian Author, Teacher Craig T. Feigh
CBM, Doing the BASICS Well
My thanks go out to CBM, and especially to Smitty, for doing the editing, proofreading, and submission on my book and workbook entitled: CHRISTIAN BASIC TRAINING: The Basic Foundational Principles of the Christian Faith.
As the name implies, I believe there is a need to getting back to the basics of the Christian faith as both families and churches have failed in this arena. Doing the basics correctly is exactly what CBM did in working with me to fine tune my manuscripts and publish my books.
It's important for Christian writers to look for "Christian" Companies (like CBM), that not only understand the steps to successful publication, but also can assist in the book marketing through press releases, video book trailers, and social media to the Christian Marketplace.
CBM also has an excellent Author's Page that I can link my personal site to in order to further gain exposure!
Christian Author Craig T. Feigh,
Author of Christian Basic Training, The Sure Way to Him, and All My Imperfections, I Inherited from my Mom.
Christian Children’s Author Lee Ann Mancini
I am so appreciative of Christian Book Marketing for helping to promote my Christian children’s series, Adventures of the Sea kids.
Smitty was very professional and informative. He has been wonderful in guiding us through this process. CBM is an excellent marketing partner working for the Kingdom!
Lee Ann Mancini
Christian Author William Luke
I returned to CBM to have my second book reviewed, because they did such a good job with the first one. And I am delighted again.
Both reviews are thorough, professionally structured, and obviously written by someone who knows and more importantly cares about the subject.
Needless to say, such reviews are very important indeed. I am very grateful to CBM, and I highly recommend their service.
Christian Author William Luke God’s Will for our Daily Lives
Christian Author Timna Pilch
I can’t say enough about CBM. They go above and beyond when it comes to working with Christian authors. They proved to be professional and knowledgeable with everything that was needed for the publishing of my second book, Demon Portals and made the whole process enjoyable.
I love that CBM provides a one stop service for manuscript editing, interior book design layout, and all the inner workings of publishing! CBM also delivered top notch marketing, website design and other promotional needs that are nothing less than amazing.
Smitty explained the complex process of publishing and book marketing clearly and with great articulation. He has been a profound blessing for me as he relieved my stress by presenting a professional and creative campaign! Plus CBM was patient with me and clearly answered all of my questions without delay. Awesome service! There are not enough stars in the sky to rate this amazing firm.
Christian Author Timna Pilch
Christian Author Ronald Winters
Other book reviewers have given my novel good reviews.
But CBM Christian Book Reviews synopsis captured the essence of the book - the storyline as well as the important spiritual implications of the mystery/thriller. Well done.
Many thanks to CBM's Smitty.
Ronald Winters, author, "The Forum a deadly game of wheat and tares"
Christian Author Tronell Walker
I am incredibly thankful to CBM. From the beginning to the end Smitty made me completely comfortable with the entire process.
As a new writer it was all a new experience for me and it was very important to me having people I can trust with my story.
I love the work they have done. I would recommend any author who is giving there passion to God to come to CBM and let them help you with your publishing needs.
From the start I knew God placed me in good hands. Thank you to everyone for your hard work and making my dream a reality.
Christian Author Tronell Walker
Christian Author Hazel E. Pinder
As publishers, I am most impressed by CBM and the support they have given me in the publishing of my book, The Promise of Heaven. CBM is a unique organization, holding a special place in the publishing world.
Hazel E Pinder - The Promise Of Heaven
Christian Author Bishop Otis Kenner II
Thanks Smitty. I am honored to share both my experiences and encounter with your services with you and others.
I had published four other books with two different companies before finding out about Smitty and CBM, so I am not a novice. In comparison to my previous encounters CBM is the best.
Your professionalism and prompt attention is impeccable. The quality and editorial components of The Definition of Marriage comes with the highest standard of professionalism. Smitty, personally you have been an honor to work with; your advice, recommendations and wisdom in this profession are proven to be priceless.
My only regret is I didn’t know you four books ago. Presently we are working on our second book project and I’m excited about it too.
I look forward to a long lasting relationship with you Smitty, because you have proven yourself worthy of honor and acceptation’s.
Christian Author Bishop Otis Kenner II
Christian Authors Marsue and Jerry Huerta
We would like to express our gratitude to Smitty and CBM Christian Book Marketing for the remarkable work they did with our Author’s site, book review, and press release.
CBM captured the spirit of our book to write our book review and press release that awed us; we were immensely appreciative and praised God.
We also recognized that Smitty took great care and thought to produce our author’s site that complemented our book cover and went well with the theme of our book.
We are looking forward to moving forward with CBM Christian Book Marketing in the promotion of our book for many years.
Marsue and Jerry Huerta Thy Kingdom Come Jerry Huerta
Christian Author Michael W. Larson
I appreciate all the hard work CBM Christian Book Editing did to complete this project. The layout, cover design, formats all look professional and demonstrate excellence. I look forward to seeing how the Lord will use this book and bless both this team and our readers."
Thank you,
Michael Larson
Refreshed In God’s Word
Christian Author Adele M. Gill
Upon completion of my new Christian self-help book, ‘How to Go from Broken to Blest,’ I looked for someone that could provide professional book publishing and marketing services to get my book to press and beyond. Written for believers and non-believers alike, this book is for anyone who is struggling in any way—and who isn’t these days with the pandemic? I needed to find someone to help me effectively get this book ‘out there,’ in a timely way, to help enable people to grow in their relationship with Jesus through this book.
After much prayer, my search led me directly to Smitty at CBM Christian Book Marketing, and I’m glad to have found him, and CBM. Working together, even being willing to forge ahead during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, we worked diligently to get this book into as many hands as possible. Smitty designed a beautiful book cover, and prepared, placed, and distributed well-written book promotion materials. We were able to work collaboratively to publish and promote, ‘How to Go from Broken to Blest’—a book that we could both be proud of that will help many. Thank you Smitty, for all your patience and hard work. I look forward to working with you again on future book projects.
Blessings, Adele M. Gill
Christian Author Hugh Richardson
With a smile and sincerity I commend highly and recommend to all CBM and Smitty for the work done to help me promote my first attempt writing a book, A Holy Walk in the Wicked Woods.
I am almost a year out from publishing and had become a bit discouraged by the obstacles I stumbled over in book promotion. I decided I needed to invest in professional help and after considering several different companies identified through internet browsing, I chose CBM. I am very thankful for what I found in Christian Book Marketing’s many levels of support. Last but not least, kudos to Smitty for the warmth communicated across the digital chasm! His quick responses to all my questions are deeply appreciated.
Author Hugh Richardson
A Holy Walk in the Wicked Woods: A Christian Journey Beyond Homosexuality
Put the power of Christian Book Marketing to work for your Christian book. Contact us at: kingdomexpansion1@gmail.com