With a creative talent and focusing on the joy, salvation, and eternal life offered through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the author teaches the basics of the Gospel and has created a web-site that encompass such products as: animated tracts, pop-up tracts, greatest gift sticker story, wordless tracts, pumpkin shaped candy tracts for Halloween time, Easter egg shaped candy tracts for Easter time, The True Story of Christmas and a tract developed for sharing the Gospel to older children in a contemporary grungy style, with the John 3:16 verse available in English, Spanish and Chinese. Products are also available in a larger size and all materials are available in bundle amounts. This is an innovative and powerful evangelism tool to teach the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life to children.
Highly recommended for Christians, churches, children and youth ministries to purchase as a way of sending kid’s on evangelism trips and to use within a vacation Bible School this summer. All products include free-shipping around the world and a 100% money back guarantee.
For further information and some wonderful ministry, visit .Let The Little Children Come